Sunday, October 4, 2009

A perfect life?

Well, my favorite time of year is here!! Autumn!! I love it, the cool air, the changing leaves and lots of walks through the farm fields of Germany. I love seeing the bright orange and red pumpkins that decorate the houses here and, the old, brick barns along the backroads piled full of pumpkins. In my perfect world I would wake early, spend time in prayer, prepare a scumptous breakfast for my family, ensure the radiators are pumping out enough heat and have my favorite candles filling the room with just the right ambiance. I would have plenty of time to scrub my kids faces and sticky hands before dressing them in matching outfits that I picked out and they love. We would be jovial as we packed in the car and drove to work/daycare singing our favorite songs. After the day was over I would bring my mini mees home to a dinner that I had thoughtfully planned and prepared the night before so that I can spend time with my children while it is cooking. My house would be emmaculate and decorated in all forms of fall decor. Which was tidily packed away until needed. The whole family would decorate together and we would all enjoy each others company. We would spend time reading books cuddled up in a blanket drinking hot chocolate or coffee! Home would be a tranquil place of rest and relaxation. I would get my children washed up and in the bed at an early hour so that I could spend time with my husband watching football or chatting about politics or plannning our future. Him and I would them retire to bed at a decent hour!!


I find that I live in a world where I struggle to rise by 0600 so that I have just enough time to get myself dressed, wake the girls up, argue about what they are willing to wear and try to convince them to eat a bowl of cereal or oatmeal while I pack lunches and gather homework. We get out of the house to the car, now arguing about who is going to get in first. No one can agree on music so, I turn it off. One child is trying to wipe boogers on the other and both are screaming because the other is trying to look out the others window. I drop off my munchkins at daycare with a peck on the cheek and quick bye. After work, I gather my herd and we start the drive home, which is usually peaceful. We pull into the drive and of course the girls only have eyes for dad! I follow them in the house where they have dropped bookbags, lunchboxes, and coats before they walked to their room. I'm already thinking about what I'm going to try to get going for dinner. The girls beg for a movie. Trying to be a good mother, I suggest reading a book or playing a game of hide-and-seek or coloring pictures. They try for about 10 minutes then they are arguing over the coloring book or crayons, so, wore-out, I put a movie in. The girls then veg out hanging upside down on the couch. I prepare dinner and call everyone to the table. This takes another 15 minutes to get everyone assembled. Hannah sits down and immediately points out everything she doesn't like. I insist she try everything and then it falls silent for about 10 minutes.

After dinner we start to clean kitchen, shower kids, get laundry started, try to clean one room in the house, attempt to do homework, read to the kids and get them in bed by 8:00pm. At this point, I'm too tired to think straight. I know that I should get dinner prepped for tomorrow night, and pick out the girls clothes tonight so that tomorrow morning will be smoother. I still see toys strown throughout the house, toothpaste stuck in the sink, dirty clothes....everywhere! Have I done devotions today??? I thought about it but did I actually do it? I shower, while my husband goes to lay down in bed. I come in read my Bible then fall asleep while praying. WAKE UP, did I blow the candles out? Fade back to sleep.

It is exhausting and it is hard most of the time but, it is still a good life!! We have lots of really good days mixed in. Days that I forgo homework, or forgo cleaning so that we can get in a game of chase, or go for one of those treasured walks. I do love my life...of course I do wonder how I will manage when number three gets here. Everyone tells me that that is when chaos enters the house! HA! Chaos entered mine a long time ago. I still burn my ambiance filling candles that I love, and with the help of a maid that comes every other week, I manage to keep the house under control. Rob usually packs all the lunches for the following day so that alleviates some work in the morning. I do my devotions and I pray in the shower so that I don't fall asleep. Bedtime is closer to 10:00pm or a little after. All in all, i wouldn't change my life for anything.

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About Me

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I'm an outside girl that loves horseback riding, hiking, camping,or anything that involves the great outdoors. I from VA though I currently live in Selfkant-Havert, Germany. I drink excessive amounts of coffee. My imagination often runs away with me usually to an awesome horse farm that is self-sustaining where I teach girls how to mesh being athletic, tough, and leadership quality without loosing that gentle and quiet spirit. According to Suellen from "Gone With the Wind," "You can always tell a lady by her hands." I believe there is some truth to that statement. A lady should be strong and capable of caring for her family, gentle enough to quiet tiny tears, ferocious enough to scare away monsters lurking on the bed, and capable of hosting the next ball. I really love having fun doing things on the adventurous side, and the more dangerous the better. I also enjoy drawing and writing some. I absolutely LOVE Traveling and am drawn magnetically to other countries and adventures!!