Wednesday, April 14, 2010

From the Mouth of Babes

Hannah: Momma, if a bad man ever beats you up, I'll call the police.
ME: Well thank you Hannah
Hannah: If daddy ever beats you up, I think you will be ok, my daddy isn't going to jail
ME: Well thanks Hannah!

After running out of Ranch dressing
ME: I'm sorry Hannah we don't have any more Ranch dressing
Hannah: Just put some milk in the jar and shake it, it ain't hard mom.
ME: ....

Dad asked Hannah to write the letter "Q" for him
Hannah: Watch and learn dad
Dad: ....speechless...

Rebekah after seeing me change Matthew's diaper for the first time.
Rebekah: Mom, is it suppose to look like that?
ME: Yes, he is a boy
Rebekah: Oh


  1. So smart of you to try to remember all those cute little things and write them down. It will be such a treasure to look back on and remember. I feel like there are so many comical things that are said or done around here but they slip my mind the moment I want to share it with Seth or write it down in their baby book.

    I remember my girl's reaction to seeing my changing Michael's diaper. It took them actually several weeks to get used to the idea that he was a boy and therefore manifested his gender with physical traits!

    Hope you're doing well. Take care!


  2. Haha. I love the "Q" one. I would have fallen out of my chair if I had been there! : )


About Me

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I'm an outside girl that loves horseback riding, hiking, camping,or anything that involves the great outdoors. I from VA though I currently live in Selfkant-Havert, Germany. I drink excessive amounts of coffee. My imagination often runs away with me usually to an awesome horse farm that is self-sustaining where I teach girls how to mesh being athletic, tough, and leadership quality without loosing that gentle and quiet spirit. According to Suellen from "Gone With the Wind," "You can always tell a lady by her hands." I believe there is some truth to that statement. A lady should be strong and capable of caring for her family, gentle enough to quiet tiny tears, ferocious enough to scare away monsters lurking on the bed, and capable of hosting the next ball. I really love having fun doing things on the adventurous side, and the more dangerous the better. I also enjoy drawing and writing some. I absolutely LOVE Traveling and am drawn magnetically to other countries and adventures!!