Monday, December 28, 2009

Book Reading for 2010

I fell way short of my 2009 goal to read 100 books! I only managed to read 30. However, pregnancy happened and I went back to college so, I had a couple things working against me. For 2010, I have decided to only shoot for 30 books! I will graduate from college in May and will hopefully start my nursing prerequisites shortly after. Since this is my first goal, reading for fun will have to be placed on the back burner. My long term goal (2 years from now) is to have been accepted to the AECP program for nursing through the Air Force. I have to complete a few nursing requirements but should be able to apply within a year to 18 months. I have about 5 books on my window sill waiting to be tackled, they are: 1) Culture of Corruption 2) Arguing with Idiots 3)Inkheart 4) Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding 5) Get Your Own Beer, I'm Watching the Game. WOW! right! Have you seen a more diverse group of books? I am almost complete with the breastfeeding book, and the last book in this group was bought for me by my husband so that I can understand the innerworkings of football (eye roll). I still promised to finish it. I still have some books on my 2009 list that I never got to read, they include: 1) A Grief Observed 2) The Screwtape Letters 3) Mere Christianity 4) Three Cups of Tea 5) Too Small to Ignore. As always, if any of you have recommendations, please send them my way or, if you have weread on Facebook, chuck a book at me! I love taking recommendations because it gets me to read books that I would not choose on my own. I have been able to read some fabulous books this year because I branched out and read what I would have never read on my own. For instance, my darling sister insisted I read Twilight. I would never on my own chosen a book about Vampires as I am not into that genre, however...I did enjoy them and am a convert...go team Edward...I also read a Dean Koontz book, also not my style. However, a guy from work recommended "Sieze the Night" and as I promised myself that I would read whatever was suggested, I completed it. Last of all, I took a recommendation from the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and read a Biography on Col Bud Day. It described his life in the Air Force to include 7 years in Hanoi Hilton. So, bring on the recommendations!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is really great that you read 30 books in 2009! I don't have my total tallied up yet, but I know that I fell short of 100 books as well. However, I don't feel bad at all! I told Stuart at the beginning of the year, "If I get to 100, great! If I don't, I still will have read a whole lot more than I would have if I didn't set a goal at all!" I knew I needed to give myself a challenge when I set my level at 100 or I would get bored. The average adult reads less than 1 book a year. You read 30! Go Dana!


About Me

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I'm an outside girl that loves horseback riding, hiking, camping,or anything that involves the great outdoors. I from VA though I currently live in Selfkant-Havert, Germany. I drink excessive amounts of coffee. My imagination often runs away with me usually to an awesome horse farm that is self-sustaining where I teach girls how to mesh being athletic, tough, and leadership quality without loosing that gentle and quiet spirit. According to Suellen from "Gone With the Wind," "You can always tell a lady by her hands." I believe there is some truth to that statement. A lady should be strong and capable of caring for her family, gentle enough to quiet tiny tears, ferocious enough to scare away monsters lurking on the bed, and capable of hosting the next ball. I really love having fun doing things on the adventurous side, and the more dangerous the better. I also enjoy drawing and writing some. I absolutely LOVE Traveling and am drawn magnetically to other countries and adventures!!