Halfway through we had a stop for hot chocolate, this was a welcome treat for the girls who were suffering from painful fingers and toes. Here I must put in a bit of praise for my two daughters. They made it though 1.5 miles of crowded cold before the cold got to be too much for them. Rebekah was in the stroller and despite having a heavy coat, two pairs of pants, gloves and a blanket wrapped around her, she was frozen stiff. Hannah walked a good part of the way and after the hot chocolate treat, she was wore out and had to be carried on daddy's back. After the long walk was over we ventured into the small town of Bastogne and stopped at a local Baguetterie to warm up and procure some type of nourishment. The girls had about 45 minutes to thaw out and their spirits rose as did the reddness did in their cheeks. After our quick stop we toured the town.
All throughout the day we continued to see the re-enactment players driving around the time blending in the rest of the populous as if they had always been there and always lived that way.
In the next picture you will see that a cool picture I took totally by accident. We were about to cross the road when a soldier drove by and looked at me, I simply lifted my camera and snapped a picture of him. Suprisingly the picture turned out ok, especially considering I was still in landscrape mode!!
Last of all is the excursion to the actual memorial. This was the most memorable of all. It was simply breath-taking and had spiral staircases that you could climb up to the roof and you could see over all of Belgium, for miles! It was the most beautiful sight I saw in all of Belgium! Next year we intend to return to that the 20K hike. Hopefully, a babysitter will be available so that we can continue without torturing our daughters.
This sounds really interesting and really cold...much like France! Except at least its not snowing here! Its just freakin' windy. Oh....love the bit about the exploding trees. That would freak me out too. Trees just shouldn't do that........